Location: Nexus Gaming Center, Johannesburg, South Africa
Attendance: 39 Masters
Format: Standard SUM-UNB
Top 8 final standings
- Ryan Kingaby, Weezing (notes)
- Kyle Thompson, Pikachu & Zekrom-GX
- Jimmy Marcus Munk, Zapdos/Ultra Beasts (notes)
- Matthew Kayser, Blacephalon UNB
- Ryno van Schoor, Granbull
- Devan Naidoo, Blacephalon UNB
- Prenesh Naidoo, Malamar/Ultra Necrozma-GX
- Justin Woodling, Quagsire/Naganadel
- This was one of the four major events worldwide on the first weekend to feature Unbroken Bonds as a legal set, alongside Santa Clara Regionals, Sao Paulo Regionals and Sydney Regionals.
More Links
- Limitless data page