Location: Match Cafe Lounge, San José, Costa Rica
Organizer: Luis Felipe López Mora
Attendance: 30 Masters
Format: Standard SUM-LOT
Top 8 final standings
- Tye Pellecchia, Malamar/Necrozma-GX
- Javier Quesada, Gardevoir-GX/Alolan Ninetales-GX/Swampert
- Rahul Reddy, Zoroark-GX/Alolan Ninetales-GX/Weavile
- Gabriel Brenes, Lost March
- Gregory Chrisholm, Sceptile-GX
- Adrian Araya, Blacephalon-GX/Naganadel
- Joshua Sanchez, Granbull
- Pablo Meza, Gardevoir-GX/Alolan Ninetales-GX/Swampert
- This and the Lima SPE were the first major tournaments for which Flareon-GX, Jolteon-GX, and Vaporeon-GX were legal.
- Three players from Florida--Gregory Chisholm, Tye Pellecchia, and Rahul Reddy--reached Top 8.
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